29. From Heaven to Hell: Seven Months in Gaza

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Dr. Mohammed H. Alaqad is a distinguished academic from Gaza, now based in Malaysia. In the Autumn of 2023 he went to visit home after 14 years of being away. Having received a red carpet reception by family and friends, he wanted most for his wife and kids to meet his extended family, including his mother who had only recently being diagnosed with cancer. A few days later on October 7, his kids woke up the sound of rockets and a war that still rages.
He shares his story of living seven months during the genocide in Gaza, including the story of how his disabled brother was killed; of whom they only recovered his head after an Israeli drone targeted him with 2 missiles.
This is a powerful, sometimes uplifting, but more often heartbreaking story. Above all it is a story everyone should listen to.
The Gaza Appeal details are here:https://www.patreon.com/posts/108592125
The Ditch on Israeli weapons in Irish Airspace Podcast is here:https://www.patreon.com/posts/47414904

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