388. Generation Rent: Living in Fear

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In this Reboot Republic, Rory talks to Jenny Roche, who, with her family, is facing eviction from their home in Galway. Jenny is a lecturer in film in NUI Galway and has been living in her rental home for 19 years. She tells her housing story of living in fear, anxiety, the impact on her child, and how she is overholding because there is no where to go and she refuses to be evicted into hidden homelessness.
This is the tsunami of evictions we’ve warned about and with almost 19,000 notices to quit served to tenants in 2023, the Government must re-instate the eviction ban, make the tenant in situ scheme work, and stop evictions into homelessness. As Jenny says, renters need to come together and take action.
Please email the Minister for Housing Darragh O Brien and Galway County Council calling on them to keep Jenny and her family in their home.
Join CATU – the tenants union.
Gaza Appeal Details:https://www.patreon.com/posts/nuseirat-dr-105860337

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