#GE2020 – Auction or Action Politics?

Votes for sale! Votes for sale! Get ’em while they’re cheap! The promises of better everything and tax cuts for all abound. We discuss what is and isn’t radical, the latest CSO report that shows what you want it to show, depending on your politics and then Martin discusses whether Tony will be kept on after the revolution. Then we […]

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#GE2020 – An “independent” media?

As the campaign reaches ‘make your mind up time’ we are seeing some elements of the media who, in our opinion, have questions to answer. We elaborate on this and discuss the Taoiseach’s links to INM and what and what that means for a free press. We also talk about the Sinn Féin and Labour manifestos, as well as the […]

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#GE2020 – Disability Rights

We went to the Irish Wheelchair Associations offices to talk with Chair of Inclusion Ireland, Lorraine Dempsey and IWA’s Advocacy Officer, Joan Carty, to ask are those with disabilities equal citizens in this Republic. We discuss with Lorraine and Joan the reality facing people with a disability. We hear about the shocking recent cuts to disability services budgets and talk […]

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#GE2020 – Another Fine (Gael) Mess.

If this is indeed what the “serious” pundits call “moving week”, then Fine Gael are moving down at a rate of knots. We talk about the interesting outcomes of last nights debate, the need for the Left to capitalise on this opportunity with a more positive message and the totally inappropriate comments by Fine Gael Senator, Catherine Noone. Then People […]

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#GE2020 – Tactical Voting?

Day 736 of the 3 week General Election campaign and it’s getting testy. We discuss the total lack of plans to help the one million renters in the published manifestos, the pensions debacle and how to fix it and then “Count Centre Martin” gives us his how to vote tactically guide. We are then joined on the line by Peter […]

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#GE2020 – Manifesto Mediocrity? Ep.221

“Nobody reads manifestos”, well here in the #Tortoiseshack we do to save you the bother. The Fine Gael and Fianna Fail manifestos dropped on the campaign trail today with all the bounce of a dead cat. ‘BAU’ Business as Usual is the mantra from both parties, neo-liberal ‘solutions’ which increase the cost of housing and tweeking tax bands are the […]

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#GE2020 – A Grand (old) Coalition?

The “debate” passed off in an uninspiring 0 – 0 draw and the only talking points were the Taoiseach’s discomfort around his drug taking past and his comfort with his FG/FF coalition future. We fact check some of the claims and ask why easily disproved points went unchallenged. We also discuss the new #HomeForGood campaign and how to make the […]

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Rory has worked with a group for the last 2 years and yesterday say the launch of their campaign to introduce the right to housing into the Irish Constitution, Home For Good. We were there to cover it. You will hear from Rory about the ambitions for the campaign and the reason it is something that is so vital. Then […]

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