338. Inequality – Poor Living in a Rich Country

Please join us at patreon.com/tortoiseshack Ireland’s inequality problem: time to tax wealth or The trickle down myth: wealth is being sucked up In this Reboot Republic podcast Rory talks to Bríd McGrath, Director of Public Affairs at Oxfam Ireland, about their latest report “Inequality Inc.”, which shows that Ireland´s richest two Irish billionaires have more wealth than the bottom half […]

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337. Mental Health and Homelessness – Hope through Housing

Tickets:https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/podcasts-for-palestine-tickets-782538141647 In this first podcast of 2024, Rory talks with Louisa Santoro, CEO of Mendicity (Ireland’s oldest charity), about the homelessness crisis affecting people living in Ireland and newly arrived asylum seekers, and the lack of a whole of Government response. They discuss the real causes of homelessness being in the lack of social and affordable housing. They ask why […]

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332. The Antidote to the far right – Better Public Services

Please join us at patreon.com/tortoiseshack In this Reboot Republic Podcast, Rory talks about the rise of the far right in Europe and its roots in the cuts to public services, with Professor Catherine De Vries, Dean of international affairs and Professor of Political Science at Bocconi University in Milan. Professor De Vries sets out how recent electoral inroads in Europe […]

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334. An Alternative to the Real Estate Narrative

Please join us in 2024 at:patreon.com/tortoiseshack In this podcast Rory talks to real estate expert Rob Cass (and friend of the pod), Director of Irish Sustainable Homes, about the housing crisis, how Ireland is not full, we have land and vacant buildings but a failure to acknowledge and plan for real levels of housing need, and three ways in which […]

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Climate (In)Action – More Blah, Blah, Blah?

Tickets for Podcasts for Palestine:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/podcasts-for-palestine-tickets-782538141647?aff=oddtdtcreator We’ve seen in Ireland and indeed globally a rebranding of State failures to make real progress in Climate Action into so-called historic successes. Yes, there has been some good things added to plans, but surely we should have moved beyond worrying about what type of linguistic gymnastics is less offensive to the fossil fuel industry? […]

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335. Exploring our emotional responses to Gaza Genocide with Psychologist Dr. Meg Ryan

Tickets for Podcasts for Palestine Here:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/podcasts-for-palestine-tickets-782538141647?aff=oddtdtcreator In this podcast Rory talks with Dr. Meg Ryan about our different emotional responses to the Genocide in Gaza, the psychology of the de-humanisation of the people of Palestine, finding ways to sustain ourselves through conversations, bearing witness, taking collective action, and why Psychologists in Ireland have come together to form Psychologists for Palestine. […]

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333. Ireland for All – The Dublin Riots

Please join us at patreon.com/tortoiseshack Austerity ripped the hearts out of our communities- the Dublin riots: finding a way forward through community In this Reboot Republic podcast, Rory talks about the impact of the stabbing and the riots in Dublin and the political and media response, to Paula Kearney, community worker in Dublin’s North Inner City, Glen Kearney, youth worker […]

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331. Build Homes, Not Hate

Please join us at patreon.com/tortoiseshack In this Reboot Republic Podcast, Rory talks about the increase in anti-immigrant politics, but also the positive work being done to welcome and support refugees and real solutions that can build homes and provide asylum seeker accommodation with Tanya Ward of the Children’s Rights Alliance and Dr Lorcan Sirr, Senior Lecturer with TUD. Irish Nationalism, […]

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