1269. Nuseirat, Gaza with Dr Musallam Abukhalil and Adam SpiceBag Doyle

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It was a pleasure to be rejoined on the podcast from Nuseirat by Dr Musallam Abukhalil from the medical shelter where he works with his colleagues and the volunteers with Dignity for Palestine, and activist artist Adam SpiceBag Doyle. We just wish it was under better circumstances.
We talk about how things are right now on the ground in Gaza and the immense suffering of thousands of displaced people and how voluteers are resilient, yet overwhelmed.
Note Adam is donating money from the sales of his An Phalaistín scarves to Dignity for Palestine.
You can get them here:https://spicebagmerch.bigcartel.com/product/an-phalaistin-scarf
For Donations please click here:https://www.patreon.com/posts/nuseirat-dr-105860337

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