6. Toxic Beauty

In this episode, we talk about the struggles about beauty standards lashes, hair and makeup. This led to talking about the new buzz words ‘aesthetic’ and ‘the clean girl’. We question whether it’s important *hint: it’s not*, and how these manifest into toxic friendships. We also talk about the fascination people have with touching black women hair without consent. If […]

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827. We Have Truss Issues

As the UK Government attempts to once again rip up a deal that they told everyone was “oven-ready” we decided to chat with Human Rights Professor at Queens University Belfast, Colin Harvey. Colin shares details about the targeting he continues to receive while he advocates for the need for preparatory work for a United Ireland and what impact such attacks […]

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829. Famine and Finance

While we have definitely noticed food prices going up, we might not have an inkling that the global food crisis is far more acute than just the price at the tills. Joining me from Lebanon to discuss food systems, insecurity and scarcity for over 320m people are International Development Consultant, Sinead Mowlds and International Debt Finance Expert, Mike Azar. Sinead […]

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216. Irish Aid Commitments & Famine in Africa

In this Reboot Republic Rory and Tony speak with Jane Ann McKenna, CEO of Dochas, the Irish Network for International Development and Humanitarian Organisations, about the fact that 23 million people in the Horn of Africa face extreme food insecurity, and are on the brink of famine. She explains what can and should be done at a global level, to […]

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823. Could Colombia Turn Left?

Whatever the outcome of this Sunday’s second round of the Colombian Presidential Election, history was already made in the first round when left wing candidate, Gustavo Petro, finished top of the pile with 40% of the vote. The bad news is that the “Trump-like” Rodolfo Hernandez finished second on 28% and might be the man who benefits most from the […]

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825. The Supply Guy, Sean Keyes

Social media is often neither and it’s fair to say that my interactions with Finance Correspondent with the Currency, Seán Keyes, have been a little turbulent. But Seán was happy to come over to the tortoise shack and have that “supply guy” chat away from the bubble. We discuss why he believes in Build to Rent as a viable housing […]

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215. It’s Rent or Food; Lets Raise the Roof across the Country

In this Reboot Republic Rory talks to Louise Bayliss, Focus Ireland Campaigns Coordinator, Macdara Doyle, ICTU and Raise the Roof and Dr Lorcan Sirr, TU Dublin. We discuss the worsening homelessness crisis, the cost of living and housing crisis facing people, and the housing policies that got us into the crisis, and the solutions. This podcast is highlighting the Raise […]

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