Take Back The City #HomesForAll Ep.14

The actions of housing activists occupying vacant buildings in Dublin have once more captured the public imagination and highlighted the ever worsening housing crisis. Just over two weeks ago housing campaigners occupied a building on Summerhill in Dublin’s inner city. Ten days later they were ordered to leave by the high court. But this is not a short term protest. […]

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Lynn Ruane #SocialClass Ep.13

Social class and impact of class on reducing the opportunities of children growing up in working class and disadvantaged areas is given little air time in Irish media and politics. Class is not supposed to be an issue in Ireland. How often do we hear discussions in the media on what it is like to grow up in Tallaght, Jobstown, […]

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Cost Rental with Rita Fagan & Dr John Bisset

This podcast discusses an innovative solution to the housing crisis –cost rental housing – that is being proposed by the Our Community – A Better Way housing campaign and which Housing Minister Eoghan Murphy launched in Inchicore this week. Dr John Bisset (author of Regeneration – Public Good or Private Profit?) and Rita Fagan are two community workers based in […]

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Michael Taft #LivingWage Ep. 11

The Living Wage is an idea which is gaining increased support as a way to solve rising inequality and in-work poverty, low pay and precarious (short term and insecure) employment. Joining us in Reboot Republic to discuss this and other issues including the role of trade unions in modern Ireland, is Michael Taft, a Research Officer with the trade union, […]

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Grace Dyas #OurValues Ep. 10

So much of our political discourse is dominated by statistics and financial jargon. Well our guest, writer, producer, a founder of Theatre Club and activist, Grace Dyas thinks we need a national conversation on more than numbers, we need to talk about our values. Grace makes the case, brilliantly, for a honest and open debate about who we are and […]

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Tom McDonnell #TheEconomyStupid Ep. 9

Economics is often called the dismal science. But our guest, Senior Economist at the Nevin Economic Research Institute, Tom McDonnell, is anything but. He gives us a lesson in economics for dummies (Groves) and outlines a way of building an economy that is both sustainable and inclusive. Turns out, the purpose of the economy is to serve society and not […]

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Sara Burke #SlainteCare Ep. 8

Whether it’s the Trolley Count or the inhumane number of people on hospital waiting lists, our Health Service is not all that it could be. Our guest, Health Policy Analyst, Dr Sara Burke, was one of the architects of a road map to a Universal Healthcare  System – Sláintecare – that garnered cross party support. She tells us where we […]

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Mike Allen #FocusIreland Solutions Ep.7

On Wednesday, the Minister for Housing, Eoghan Murphy, in an ill judged interview on RTE Drivetime, attacked Focus Ireland for ‘misinterpreting’ his own report. The truth is they hadn’t, not at all. We were delighted to sit down with Director of Advocacy for Focus Ireland, Mike Allen to discuss the housing crisis and how the “Focus Ireland Amendment”, an anti-homelessness […]

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