1180. Don’t Compare Me To The Almighty, Compare Me To The Alternative

Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/podcasts-for-palestine-tickets-782538141647 The current UK government seem to rely on an unforeseen f@ck up coming along in order to distract the public from the latest unforeseen f’ck up. But what is the alternative? Our guest, listener-favourite, Prof Richard Murphy, recently wrote ‘Five reasons to reject Keir Starmer’s Labour at a General Election’ so you know we had to have him […]

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1177. Covid Excess Deaths and the Covid Inquiry

Tickets for Podcasts for Palestine:https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/podcasts-for-palestine-tickets-782538141647 You always have to read beyond the headline. But you especially have to go further when it comes to the reports that “Ireland had no excess deaths” during the Covid pandemic. Rejoining us to make sense of the data and give an expert opinion is Prof of Public Health, Anthony Staines. We also discuss the […]

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1182. ‘Ireland is Broken’ – Andy McNulty

Please join us at patreon.com/tortoiseshack Andy McNulty and his wife shouldn’t have to fight to get the resources and support their daughter needs. But in Ireland so much that should be routine is an ongoing endurance test. When he posted this tweet https://x.com/AndyMc_25/status/1745074438725308803?s=20 I reached out to see if he wanted to talk about the situation that left him and […]

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1186. Who Do ‘far right’ voters vote for?

Please join us at patreon.com/tortoiseshack We are all watching in horror as the Fisher Price, My First Fascist agitators gain momentum. We wonder if most of the self-identifying patriots are aware that their ringleaders get their instructions from washed-up British fascists? And we wonder why people who live in a rich country, yet feel poor, are directing their anger at […]

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1179. Palestine Over 90 Days Later – Hannah McCarthy in Ramallah

Help keep this show on the road. Please click on:patreon.com/tortoiseshack While the world is watching the situation on the ground in Gaza worsening, Israel is also carrying out land grabs and ethnic cleansing in the West Bank. Rejoining us on the podcast from Ramallah, to discuss what is happening on the ground is Irish journalist and longtime contributor, Hannah McCarthy. […]

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1053. The Other Shoe Dropped

Please join us at patreon.com/tortoiseshack Martin often says that his activism in some areas is based on the knowledge he gleans from podcast guests. One such guest is Trinity College Assoc Prof Eoin O’Dell, and he rejoined us to discuss the significance of the Data Protection Commissioners decision on Martin’s Public Services Card complaint and a lot, lot more. Tickets […]

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1172. Stalemates and No Mates? – Northern Ireland 2023/24

Tickets for Podcasts for Palestine:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/podcasts-for-palestine-tickets-782538141647?aff=oddtdtcreator Claire Mitchell is a writer, researcher, self-described 1798 style dissenter and the author of The Ghost Limb. Stephen Baker is a socialist, trade unionist, ukulele player (it takes a big man to play a small guitar) and part of Left Bloc. They joined us to review 2023 in Northern Irish politics, civic society and to […]

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