Noteworthy – #JournalismMatters with Susan Daly & Peter McGuire

Journalism matters, but with an income model under stress and other “sources” available freely on our phones, how do we make it viable? We are joined by Managing Editor with, Susan Daly and freelance journalist and contributor to Noteworthy, Peter McGuire, to discuss this and take a look at Peter’s upcoming long-form pieces on sexual abuse and how we […]

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The Policed Podcast

Policed in Ireland – Sex Work Ep.2

Welcome to Police in Ireland with Dr Vicky Conway. This week we hear from Adeline Berry, a sex worker and researcher, talks about how how activities as a sex worker have been policed in Ireland. We also hear from Wendy Lyon, solicitor and Dr Lynzi Armstrong who researches the area and activist Kate McGrew. What is the law on sex […]

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Housing – Can the Market Provide? – with Ronan Lyons

The Tortoise Shack advocates strongly for the Right to Housing and for a referendum, if necessary, to help achieve it. But there is another school of thought. Joining us to talk about this is Assistant Prof of Economics at Trinity College Dublin and housing and property commentator, Ronan Lyons. We discuss the current situation, the role of Build to Rent […]

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Deprivation in Ireland Ep.14

This Reboot Republic podcast talks to Dr Tricia Kielthy of St Vincent De Paul & adjunct professor of UCD & Ciaran Nugent of the Nevin Economic Research institute. We analyse the recent Central Statistics Office report on deprivation and poverty in Ireland for 2019. We look at why lone parents have the highest rates of deprivation, institutionalised stigmatisation, austerity, lack […]

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Migrant & Refugee Rights with Fiona Finn of Nasc

The Irish Constitution states that “the State recognises the Family as the natural primary and fundamental unit group of society.” So why are we denying the Right to Family Unification to Migrants and Refugees. Fiona Finn is CEO of Nasc, the Migrant and Refugee rights organisation and she joined us to talk about the Migrant experience, access to justice and […]

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The Policed Podcast

Policed in Ireland – Migrants Ep.1

Welcome to Policed in Ireland with me, Dr Vicky Conway. In this, our first episode, we listen to Majo Rivas discuss her experiences of an Garda Síochána, both in reporting hate crime and in the immigration process. Fiona Finn from NASC and Dr Lucy Michael also join us to provide context around many of the issues raised by Majo. Why […]

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Housing & Homelessness Solutions Ep.12

In this homelessness, eviction housing solutions special Reboot Republic we talk to Anthony Flynn, Dublin City Councillor & CEO of Inner City Helping Homeless and Laoise Neylon, journalist and reporter with the Dublin Inquirer. We discuss the current homelessness situation in Dublin, how COVID has impacted, the problems with the way homelessness is being officially measured, the use of tourist […]

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#GolfGate and Cancel Culture

As the dust started to settle on #GolfGate and some commentators compared justified public opprobrium to racially motivated attacks, we asked what the Hell is going on and why is accountability kryptonite to already better-off? To discuss this Tony and Linda of The PAC Woman Podcast were joined by one half of the team that broke the story, Political Correspondent […]

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