901. The UK’s U-Turn and Why We Need a New Song

Paywall Lifted! As the UK Government announce a U-Turn and an additional £18bn in cuts, we are rejoined by listeners favourite, Professor Richard Murphy to ask what it all means beyond the schadenfreude. We talk about the economic realities and the political choices ahead, none of which are very attractive. We discuss the impact this creative destruction ideology is and […]

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900. Tortoise Shack Live – 900, Not Out, Yet…

It was a pleasure to be joined by WTS Podcast Co-host, Graham Merro Merrigan, Latinist Academic, Siobhán McElduff, Sunday Times journalist, Aoife Moore and Mr Election Projections, Harry McEvansoneya. We talked Cllr Crowe’s apology to the Traveller Community, Cuba voting for same sex marriage, Brazilian exit polls, the Fianna Fáil Ard Fheis, Ireland’s Future events, the no-budget bounce polls, housing […]

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887. Rotating the Taoiseach?

You guys, our fantastic members, have asked us to look into the Government switcheroo that is due to take place in December and how inserting a right to housing into the Irish constitution might change things, or not. So we got Constitutional Law lecturer in NUIG, Dr Eoin Daly, to dig into both of these issues. The result is a […]

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899. Ireland’s Future

Join us at patreon.com/tortoiseshack On Saturday October 1st at 1pm in Dublin’s 3 Arena, Ireland’s Future will host the largest public meeting about the plans for a United Ireland that this island has ever seen. Joining us (again) on the podcast is Queens University Belfast Human Rights Lecturer and member of the Ireland’s Future Management Committee, Professor Colin Harvey. We […]

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Ep.7 Craig Murray

Craig Murray is curator for the Duxford historical site at the Imperial War Museum Duxford, working within the Cold War and Late 20th Century team. His main specialism, apart from the history of RAF Duxford, is the Troubles in Northern Ireland. He is currently planning and researching the IWM’s 2023 Northern Ireland exhibition. In this episode Craig talks about the […]

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236. Budget 2023 – Did it Deliver?

In this Reboot Republic, Rory gets the analysis and responses to Budget 2023 from Michael Taft, economist with SIPTU, Head of Social Justice at SVP, Dr Tricia Kielty and Louise Bayliss, of Focus Ireland. We discuss inadequacies in the Budget that will result in poverty and deprivation rates rising, particularly for lone parents, children and other disadvantaged groups, as welfare […]

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884. Too Little, Too Late? – with Constantin Gurdgiev

Constantin Gurdgiev returned for what was one of the broadest, but most informative podcasts we’ve ever done. We discuss events politically and economically in his now home of the US. We look at the ideological barriers to addressing the “cost of living crisis” and the need for long-term thinking and not widening the subsidy net. We also discuss the issue […]

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234. Budget 2023 – How We Can Build Affordable Housing

Join us at patreon.com/tortoiseshack This Reboot Republic podcast is part of the Budget 2023 special series, and in it Rory talks to Hugh Brennan of the not-for-profit housing developer, Ó Cualann Co Housing Alliance. Ó Cualann is building the only affordable housing for sale to home buyers in the country at the moment. They are building genuinely affordable housing, such […]

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