Personal Ads and Pineapple Parties: Ep 96

The history of dating is a wild ride from personal ads that ‘proper’ women could write but not be seen to write, to swinger parties in the 1970s. Joining me to discuss the history- and future- of dating apps is journalist and author Nichi Hodgson. Nichi’s book ‘The Curious History of Dating’ covers the progression of dating norms and quirks from the 1700s […]

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Queer Dick Pics and Dating Apps : Ep 95

Is a dick pic perceived the same way for queer people using dating apps? How do we view digital sexual violence and digital consent? Joining me to explore these topics is Dr. Chris Dietzel who completed his PhD on how LGBT+ people use dating apps and how they explore consent and pleasure on the apps. Support us at << […]

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OnlyFans and Freedom: Ep 94

With OnlyFans in the news lately for attempting to remove all sexual content from their platform, its important to listen to the sex workers affected by this. Joining me this week is Royalti on Wheels, who is a disabled sex worker from South Africa. She talks about the freedom online sex work has given her, and her concerns about safety […]

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Rough and Unwanted: Ep 93

Unwanted choking and facials- all far too common and all part of the spectrum of sex violence when done without consent. Joining me to discuss how we figure out how non consensual violence found its way into the bedroom is Rachel Thompson, author of Rough which explores these topics alongside looking at how we name these events when they happen […]

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Sex work, ear-gasms, and the LOLs: Ep 92

Sex is a serious business for some, but where’s the space for the fun? Joining me this week is sex educator Tim Langan who chats about his experiences as a sex worker and sex educator and using humour to help people to connect with their pleasure. Tim talks about connection, humour, ear orgasms, and how people can enjoy their sex […]

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Positive Polyamory: Ep 91

There is a lot of information and misinformation out there on the topic of polyamory. To help us navigate our way through this, Ruth Crean joins me to discuss the realities of being poly. Ruth is poly herself and training to be a poly aware therapist, and is also a member of Polyamory Ireland. We talk about poly joy and managing breakups, […]

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Breakups and Boundaries: Ep 90

Breakups are no fun, most of the time. But they are something that most of us will experience whether it is a good or bad experience. Here to help make this more of a positive experience is educator Justine Ang Fonte who support people through romantic and plantonic breakups (as well as being an incredible sex educator!). Justine talks about when to break up […]

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Victim Blaming: Ep 89

While we must talk about sexual violence, we also need to talk about what happens afterwards. Victim blaming is prolific in many societies, and has a devastating effect on victims. Joining me to discuss this are Gemma McNally and Michelle Caulfield, who have extensive experience supporting victims of all genders in the Galway rape crisis centre.We discuss why we victim blame, and […]

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