692. Sanctuary Runners – #RaceToTheNorthPole

This year the Sanctuaryrunners.ie are doing a virtual #RaceToTheNorthPole. With 5,628km to cover between 20th Dec to Christmas Eve, they’re looking for support. Joining us to talk about it is one of their founders, Graham Clifford. We also discuss the info-for-all initiative and building bonds and communities even in the face of the pandemic. Always great to chat with Graham. […]

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697. No Rooms at the Inn: The UCD Student Accommodation Crisis

It was a pleasure to be joined in the tortoise shack by UCD Students Union President, Ruairi Power to discuss their report into the student accommodation crisis. He tells us about the survey they conducted and how it shows a large majority of students are paying unaffordable rents for accommodation that often doesn’t meet their needs. We also discuss the […]

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Wrap it up! Ep 114

Condoms, French letters, Johnnies- whatever you call them, condoms are an important part of sexual wellness. Joining me to discuss this topic is Mike Taylor from EXS condoms who put the fun back in condoms. Mike explains what a vegan condom is, and explores the future of eco friendly condoms- reusable condoms anyone? Find Mike and EXS on IG at: @exscondomsofficial  […]

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693. Public Health Specialist Dr. Marie Casey

It was a pleasure to be rejoined in the tortoise shack by Public Health Specialist, Dr Marie Casey, to talk about the ongoing response to COVID. Dr Casey tells us about some very positive developments in Public Health, including the development of an National Outbreak Response System, and discusses the learnings made from the ongoing pandemic. She outlines the foolishness […]

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695. Right to Know Back in Court – Gavin Sheridan

Many of our listeners would be aware of the work of righttoknow.ie, but you might not know that they’re back in court next week, this time the Supreme Court, in another battle for transparency. Co-founder and very, very busy guy, Gavin Sheridan joined us to tell us all about it. Then Gavin, who also compiles a excellent substack newsletter, HERE, […]

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182. Rising Homelessness: What Can Be Done To Stop It

This Reboot Republic talks to Wayne Stanley, Head of Policy and Communications with the Simon Communities of Ireland about their proposal for the Government to introduce a measure to prevent renters from homelessness. Rory also talks to Laoise Neylon, journalist with the Dublin Inquirer about the recent rise in deaths in homelessness services and the lack of regulation of standards […]

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