Gavin Sheridan – Freedom of Information

While we were all losing our minds over the General Election, our guest in The Tortoise Shack, CEO of Vizlegal, Co-founder of Right to Know and former innovation director with Storyful, Gavin Sheridan, was busy fighting the good fight to make sure that we can have access to information about how our country is run. Gavin walks through his journey […]

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Stalemate or Clickbait

It’s over a week since the election even though it feels much longer. Talks about talks about talks with no solutions in sight. Here in The Tortoise Shack Rachel joins Martin and Glenn Fitzpatrick to discuss the current state of play. We go through each party and the moves they are and are not making and the what the latest […]

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Daan van der Gouwe & Tony Duffin #HarmReduction

During the election we heard various politician’s say they were committed to the failed drug policies of the past. Our guests in The Tortoise Shack are CEO of Ana Liffey Drug Project, Tony Duffin and Head of Drug Testing at DIMS Instiute in the Netherlands, Dan van der Gouwe. They discuss how sensible drug policies, like drug testing, save lives […]

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#GE2020 – In The National Interest…

Fine Gael seem to have forgotten that all the parties of the Dáil stood by and assisted in delivering a stable (but ineffective) government throughout the Brexit process. Now that they’ve lost they seem to want to take the ball and go home. We talk about the need for all sides to be grown ups now and the need for […]

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#GE2020 – A Future To Look Forward To Ep.239

This is when it starts to get interesting. The numbers don’t suit anybody, but the majority know that they don’t want a government of Fianna Gael. So this calls for a putting aside of small differences and coming to the people with a vision for a better country. We also talk about just how historically bad a performance this was […]

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#GE2020 – A Broad Left Coalition? Ep.238

Rory, Martin and Tony discuss where the numbers are and what the permutations of the next government might be. We don’t agree on much, but we do agree that the train is ready to leave the station and that if Labour, the Green’s, PBP and the Soc Dems aren’t ready to jump on board it would be a colossal mistake. […]

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#GE2020 – The Results – An Epic Day Ep.237

This is a humongous day. If anything the Exit Poll underestimated the Broad Left Vote and while FF/FG might end up with more seats than SF, the Broad Left is the real winner. Don’t buy the narrative of “the people want change, but they don’t know what change they want”. That’s nonsense. The people have said they no longer want […]

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#GE2020 – The Exit Polls Ep.236

It’s a 3 way tie and despite all the nonsense about the ‘Leo vs Micheal’ narrative it is clear now that a majority in this country want to live in a society and no longer just exist in the economy of Fine Gael or Fianna Fáil. Martin, to give him his due, called it, 45% for the Fianna Gaeler’s. No […]

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