1101. Don’t Drink the Water – Lough Neagh

Join us and keep the mics on at patreon.com/tortoiseshack Lough Neagh is one of the largest lakes in Europe and provides 43% of the drinking water for Northern Ireland. Yet it is in such a terrible state ecologically that wildlife are dying from drinking from it. So what gives? We spoke to journalist Tommy Greene, who covered this slowly unfolding […]

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312. Hope and Courage: How to Counter Hate & Fear

Please join us at patreon.com/tortoiseshack In this Reboot Republic podcast, Rory talks to Niamh McDonald, Coordinator of the Hope and Courage Collective, about their new report ‘Greater than Fear’, which provides lessons from communities in Ireland about how to create hope and solidarity within communities to stop the spread of hate and fear by the far-right. We discuss the on-going […]

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1095. NAMA 2.0 and the Trumpometer

Please join us at patreon.com/tortoiseshack Grab a beverage of your choice and settle in for a long but very, very good one with Irish-Russian Denver Colorado-based Prof of Economics, Constantin Gurdgiev, who returns for a chat about Housing and the Banks. But because it’s Constantin and us it goes a lot broader than that. We talk about the climate change […]

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5. Bloody Friday – Robert Gibson

Please join us at patreon.com/tortoiseshack In this episode the lads are joined by Robert Gibson. Robert’s father Jackie was a bus driver who was killed on Bloody Friday, 21 July 1972 when the Provisional IRA set off a series of bombs across Belfast. He talks about the effect that his father’s murder had on his family, his search for the […]

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1097. The Mental Health Crisis – Have Sinn Féin got a Plan?

Please join us at patreon.com/tortoiseshack Joining us in the tortoise shack is Sinn Féin TD and his party’s spokesperson for Mental Health, Mark Ward. We discuss his accidental route into politics, his treatment for MS, what he believes can be done right now to improve access to mental health services and what he thinks Sinn Féin would do if they […]

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311. Retiring into Homelessness: The Older Generation’s Hidden Housing Crisis

Please join us at patreon.com/tortoiseshack In this Reboot Republic, Rory talks with Gráinne Loughran, Senior Policy & Advocacy Officer with Alone, the national older person’s charity, about the housing crisis facing over 60s in Ireland. The Census showed an 83% increase in numbers of renters over 65 – who face into homelessness if they are evicted. We discuss the hidden […]

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1082. The Portuguese Do It Better

Please join us at patreon.com/tortoiseshack Longtime listeners will be familiar with Deputy Vice Leader of Portugal’s Socialist Party, Joao Pina and his devout socialism in what is their 8th year in Government. We talk about their recent exit from the Energy Charter Treaty (Ireland needs to follow suit), their struggle to get on top of the housing crisis, how they’re […]

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4. Human Rights Are Not Orange or Green

Please join us at patreon.com/tortoiseshack John Barry is Professor of Green Political Economy at Queen’s University Belfast School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics. In this episode of Shrapnel the lads talk to John about his research on loyalism, encouraging self-discovery and organic intellectualism, agonism, Britishness in a new Ireland and generous majorities. Tickets:https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/tortoise-shack-live-tickets-698299581847?aff=erelexpmlt Wealth Tax Pod:https://www.patreon.com/posts/patron-exclusive-88796012 https://media.blubrry.com/rebootrepublicpod/media.blubrry.com/1468254/content.blubrry.com/1468254/Shrapnel_Ep4a.mp3Podcast (shrapnel): Play […]

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