894. Tortoise Shack Live – Where Even Is Fingal?

This week we were joined by PBP TD, Paul Murphy, Barrister, Seána Grant and Fingal Cllr, Daniel Whooley, for what was a very eye-opening Live Show. We talk about the Fingal Library twitter (J.K Rowling) controversy that saw Daniel wake up to the him been quoted on the front page of the Sunday Times. We discuss the NI Census results, […]

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885. The Cost of Living Protest – Feet on the Street

PBP TD Richard Boyd Barret joined us for the first time since early 2020, so we had plenty to chat about. We discuss the cost of living and housing crises, the upcoming Budget, the radical solutions that are actually just commonsense and his position pre any future general election on the potential for a government of the left. Hope to […]

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889. Putin’s Mobilisation and #unrussiaUN

While Russian President, Vladimir Putin, announced a partial mobilisation of the Russian army, the Ukrainian Parliament was getting on with their work. Rejoining me from a noisy and busy Assembly floor is MP Lesia Vasylenko. We discuss Putin’s latest moves, the heartbreaking uncovering of war crimes as the Ukrainian military retake land that was occupied by the Russian army and […]

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882. Building a Moon Base

You’d be forgiven for thinking that our (returning) guest today, Space Engineer, Loay Elbasyouni, would be content with building the helicopter that flew on Mars. But that’s not Loay. Now he’s set his sights on tackling the problems of powering a permanently manned base on the moon. As you do. We talk about his work, his proud Palestinian background, issues […]

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886. Tortoise Shack Live – Bring Back Bertie?

This week we were joined by writer and activist, Emma DeSouza, Stockholm-based journalist, Philip O’Connor and editor at noteworthy.ie, Maria Delaney. We discuss the ugly weaponising of immigration in the US, the excellent and troubling noteworthy investigation into pesticides, Sinn Féin having a great week, the Budget kites obscuring the real fiscal space, government housing targets getting missed again, the […]

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881. Breaking Down the UK’s Breakdown

Listeners loved the last podcast with Economic Justice campaigner, Accounting Professor and Co-founder of the Green New Deal, Richard Murphy, so he’s back now to tell us about the new UK Prime Minister, Lizz Truss and her cabinet of right wing die-hard neoliberals. We discuss how unlikely this new government are to “deliver” for the people suffering from inflation and […]

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878. Irish Rule of Law International

Ireland plays a role across the globe in assisting other countries establish and develop working legal systems. Joining us to discuss how this works and the challenges they face is Executive Director with Irish Rule of Law International, Aonghus Kelly. We discuss the importance of a functioning legal system and how they help work in areas that have access to […]

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883. Corporate Welfare Cheats Cheat Us All

This week it was an absolute pleasure to be joined by Right to Know’s Gavin Sheridan, PBP area rep, Darragh Adelaide, Senator Tom Clonan, Dublin Inquirer journalist, Shamim Malekmian and “Michael” McMahon 😉 We talked about Shamim’s story about the treatment of a boy by our immigration system, the recent turn of events in Ukraine, the cost of living crisis […]

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