265. Inequality is Shortening Lives

In this Reboot Republic, Rory chats with tortoise shack editor and Reboot producer, Tony Groves, about a new report that showed an inequality in cancer outcomes based on peoples socioeconomic levels. We discuss inequality as a driver of polarisation and protests. Rory talks about the need to move away from a neoliberal atomisied society and to invest in community. We […]

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264. Exploring the Discourse on Mental Health and Mental Illness

In this Reboot Republic podcast, Rory, talks to Dr Calvin Swords, Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Social Studies Maynooth University, about mental illness and mental health. We ask do we fully understand the significant differences between mental health challenges and mental illness? Calvin explains the difference between the medical approach and the bio psychosocial models to ‘recovery’, social […]

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263. Gaffs Stories – The Conversation of a Generation Locked Out

This is a powerfully honest podcast that offers some of the best insights into the reality of life in Generation Locked Out. In this Reboot Republic podcast, Rory talks to Sinead Ellen Griffin and Joanne Whelan about their experience living in their parents homes in their late 20s an early 30s, the impact on their mental health, anxiety, desire for […]

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968. Help! – The Mother and Baby Home Redress Scheme

It was a pleasure to be rejoined on the podcast by Mother and Baby Home survivor, writer and actor, Noelle Brown and human rights barrister and pro-bono co-director of clannproject.ie, Dr Maeve O’Rourke. We just wish it was under better circumstances. On Wednesday the government will attempt to ram through a redress scheme based on the High Court discredited Mother […]

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261. We Don’t Need Private Investors & Developers

In this Reboot Republic podcast, Rory, talks with Hugh Brennan of O Cualann Co Housing Alliance, about the housing situation, where it is going, and how we can provide genuinely affordable homes through not for profit housing associations, local authorities and community-led housing. This is an inspiring podcast that shows there is an alternative to the current private developer and […]

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262. We Can Do Better for Ireland’s Children – Niall Muldoon, Ombudsman for Children

Join us at patreon.com/tortoiseshack In this Reboot Republic podcast, Rory, talks to Niall Muldoon, the Ombudsman for Children, about life for Ireland’s most vulnerable children today. We talk about children and families in homelessness, the trauma and state failure, how we cannot accept these levels of child homelessness as normal, the importance of a referendum on a right to housing, […]

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257. Creating a New Economy: Climate, Cooperatives & Football

In this Reboot Republic Podcast, Rory talks to Sean McCabe, Climate Justice Officer with Bohemians Football Club Dublin and formerly of the Mary Robinson Climate Foundation. We talk about the connections between football, Bohs and climate justice, Sean’s view after attending the last COP climate conference, how we face rising inequality in the climate transition. A really hopeful chat offering […]

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258. 2022 Learnings and Looking to 2023

Inequality in Ireland in 2022, homelessness record levels; finding hope in a values shift. In this Reboot Republic, Rory and Tony provide a review of the highlights and lowlights of 2022 and look forward to 2023. They discuss the record homelessness and rents, rising inequality and the cost of living crisis, but also find hope in a value shift that […]

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