566. Bidenomics vs Fiscal Conservatives

Listeners might remember last summer when we spoke with economist, hedge fund manager and co-author of Angrynomics, Eric Lonergan, about the radical steps he suggested needed to be taken by the US and the EU to prevent the worst economic damage of the COVID-19 pandemic hitting people who already feel left behind by their governments. So following our (Patron Only) […]

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22. Cyclists and Road Safety: Conn’s Story

This week we consider and focus on the Garda role of road safety. In particular, Conn from Cork talks to us about his experiences of engaging with the Gardaí as a cyclist. The difficulties experienced in the reporting of crime points to cultural stereotyping of cyclists and a dismissal of the seriousness of the issue. We also speak to Mike […]

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563. The G7’s Tax Justice is Just Us

It was a pleasure to be rejoined on the tortoise shack by the Head of Advocacy for the Nobel Prize nominated Global Alliance for Tax Justice, Grazielle David, to discuss the “historic” G7 decision to implement a Global minimum corporate tax rate of 15%. Grazielle outlines how this is not the solution to tax abuse, merely the starting point for […]

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557. Derry, the Troubles and Hope with Tony Doherty

Author, Activist, a founder of the Bloody Sunday Justice campaign and (in my eyes) Historian, Tony Doherty, was only 9 years of age when his father was murdered on Bloody Sunday. He joined the IRA at 17, and that is less than 5% of his story. Tony joined us to talk about the Troubles of the not too distant past, […]

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Policed The Beat: Policing Crowds

We’re joined by Prof Clifford Stott of Keele University, a world leading researcher on crowd psychology who has long been involved in advising police forces internationally on the policing of crowds, particularly around football hooliganism. Reflecting on what happened in Dublin this weekend, he explains why it is essential we leave moralising at the door, engage with the underlying issues, […]

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122. Housing Shock: The ESRI Gamechanger?

This Housing Shock episode of Reboot Republic talks about the dramatic report of the ESRI that recommends a doubling of capital spending on public housing with Killian Woods of the Sunday Business Post and Laoise Neylon of the Dublin Inquirer. We also discuss the continuing political and public fallout of the Government’s inadequate measures on investor funds, the growing problem […]

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Sunday Special 45 – His Name is Conall

This week Martin, Vicky and Tony were joined by journalist Hana Salah in Gaza and recovering journalist Conall Ó Fárharta to discuss the latest in Gaza and the uneasy truce, Policing on the Streets of Dublin, the Mother and Baby Homes Report losing even more credibility, Tax Haven Ireland, Dublin Bay South implosions and political attacks on academics and experts. […]

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560. St John’s Ambulance with Jack Power

(TW: Contains sensitive material some listeners may find disturbing) Longtime listeners will know that Mick Finnegan is a good friend of the Tortoise Shack and that he has continued to tell his story of how he was sexually abused as a child, despite the pushback from certain areas. Earlier this week we were joined by Irish Times journalist, Jack Power, […]

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