109. #Reboot100 with Anne Marie Quilligan

Many of you will have heard the full (patron only) Reboot 100 podcast. It was a jam packed two and a half hours of amazing guests and insights. But, for me, this contribution from Mincéir Beoir, Activist, Educator and friend of the podcast, Anne Marie Quilligan, needed its own podcast. So here it is. You’ll hear Rory, Lynn Ruane and […]

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107. Housing Shock with Killian Woods

This Reboot Republic episode of Housing Shock, which discusses the big housing issues and how to fix our broken housing system talks with Killian Woods, reporter with the Sunday Business Post. Rory and Killian discuss the problems with the reliance of Government on social housing from the private market, high vacancy and dereliction rates, questioning the David McWilliams call for […]

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523. National Marine Planning Framework: Action Required!

If you listened to the Sunday Special you would have heard us say that we would be covering the concerns around the National Marine Planning Framework in more detail. and have we ever. Joining us to talk through the various issues (and there are many) are Ellen MacMahon of SWAN Ireland, Bernadette Connolly of the Cork Environmental Forum, Padraic Fogarty […]

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520. Vaccine Apartheid, the Refugee Crisis & Human Rights Under Attack

We were delighted to be joined in the tortoise shack via zoom by European Media Director with Human Rights Watch, Andrew Stroehlein. Andrew gives us an overview of the the challenges and complications COVID has thrown up to fundamental human rights, including the slide towards authoritarianism in some states, and the ways in which different countries have responded. We also […]

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Sunday Special #39 An Abú Damp Squib

This week Tony and Martin were joined by Environmental Law Officer, Attracta Uí Bhroin, Unite Trade Unionist, Rhona McCord and Beiruit based journalist and lawyer, Hannah McCarthy, to talk about the week that was. We discuss the Debenhams Strikers and how they’ve been treated, the National Marine Planning Framework and the threat it poses to our seas, Syria as a […]

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13. Ariel

This week’s guest is Ariel. Ariel is an Argentinian born activist who was involved in the pro choice and trans equality movements in Ireland in the early 2000s. Ariel speaks to us about the various anarchist and feminist groups she was involved with, how inclusive they were when she came out as well as her interest in zine culture. www.thestairlingscollective.com. […]

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521. Gaza and Palestine with Hana Salah & Tadgh Hickey

It was a pleasure to catch up with our friend in Gaza, journalist, Hana Salah. We discuss the latest situation with COVID, the crippled economy, the abhorrence of vaccine apartheid and Hana talks passionately about the collective punishment experienced by her and her fellow citizens. We were also joined by writer, actor and comedian, Tadgh Hickey, who is raising money […]

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