Ep.375 – #Stand4Truth with Dr Maeve O’Rourke

The Government is about to seal the archive of the Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation for the next 30 years. Ireland, as a country has a poor record in handling “historic” State abuse and this action, many feel, will simply add more trauma to those already traumatised. Joining us to discuss how we got here, what the current […]

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8. Policed in Ireland – Estefany Alquinta Gonzalez

In July of this year Estefany was held in Mountjoy Prison in solitary confinement for 12 days after she attempted to enter the country: this detention was held to be unlawful. Estefany describes for us what happened at the airport, how she was treated, and how she ended up in prison – it’s a visceral account of her experience. Dr […]

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Ep.374 – Don’t Look Away with Mick Clifford

Across the world we have seen a rise in far right and fascist activity, and we’d be stupid to think that Ireland is immune to this toxic ideology. Joining us in the tortoise shack is Special Correspondent with the Irish Examiner, Mick Clifford, who wrote, it’s fair to say, a divisive article about what he witnessed at a recent far […]

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Ep.26: Budget 2021 – A Missed Opportunity

So how was it for you? Last night we went live in front of an audience of our members to discuss the different aspects of the “Biggest Budget in the history of the State”. Over the next hour you will hear from Fiona Coyle of Mental Health Reform, Louise Bayliss of SPARK, Cian O’Callaghan Soc Dems, Lorna Fitzpatrick of USI, […]

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Ep.373 The U.S Presidential Election with Séamus Malekafzali

The Trump Show rolls on and whether you believe that we are 3 weeks away from a U.S Presidential election or a referendum on the Donald, you can’t look away. Joining us from Minnesota is writer, journalist and friend of the pod, Séamus Malekafzali. We discuss the state of the race, the erosion of the democratic norms, Covid’s impact on […]

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Ep.25 – Ideas for a strong economy & equal society for Budget 2021

In this Budget 2021 Special Podcast our most popular panel about what should be in the Budget to provide a strong economy and a more equal society. We are joined by Dr Tricia Kielty, SVP, Dr Tom McDonnell, NERI, Michael Taft, Economist with SIPTU and Colette Bennett from Social Justice Ireland. The case is made by the panel for borrowing […]

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Ep.368 – #Budget2021 with Seamus Coffey

With the Budget imminent we were joined by former Chair of the Fiscal Advisory Council and lecturer in UCC, Seamus Coffey. We discuss the economic differences between the Global Financial Crisis and and the Covid-19. We ask is an adherence to old rules that no longer apply going to hold back Ireland’s opportunity to build back better and we discuss […]

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Ep.9 Tortoise Shack #SundaySpecial

This week Tony, Linda, Martin and Caroline talked about the upcoming #Budget2021 and why our Dept of Finance is trapped in a 1920’s mindset, how the laws around Sex Work continue to make things unsafe for the workers themselves and the 5yr anniversary of the Carrickmines Fire tragedy. We were also joined by UCD’s Orla Hegarty to talk Covid-19’s airborne […]

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