#NoGoingBack with Dr Gabrielle Colleran

We were delighted to be joined again on the pod by Consultant Paediatric Radiologist at the Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street and the National Maternity Hospital, Holles Street, Gabrielle Colleran. Gabrielle talks to us about the reality of where we were pre-Covid-19 and where we are now. We discuss the very real danger of people who need medical care not […]

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Irish Traveller Movement – with Emily Murtagh

In this short podcast recorded at the New Public Housing conference in NUI Maynooth, the Accommodation Policy Officer with the Irish Traveller Movement, Emily Murtagh, gives us an insight into the reality of Traveller accommodation, the statistics that show how disproportionately they are impacted by homelessness and reads some eye-opening testimonials about the real lived experiences of Traveller families. The […]

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The Political Economics of Covid-19 with Stephen Kinsella

Associate Professor of Economics at UL, Stephen Kinsella joined us to discuss the “economics” of the Fine Gael/Fianna Fáil framework document, the EU’s actions in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, capital flight, tax havens and the O’Connell Street Spire. We also discuss how wealth buys access, the need to broaden the tax base post Covid and how people will […]

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Juicy Lucy and Dry Dora Ep.4

Joan Price is a 76 year old sex educator and author of Sex After Grief, and Naked at Our Age. She joins Caroline to discuss how she became a sex educator in her 50s, how to maintain an active sex life, the negative impact of Viagra, and safe sex. She also discusses how to have sex after bereavement. Join us: […]

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Coronavirus – Covid-19 Tech Support

If you are 65+ in Ireland and need help with your tech issues with smartphones, tablets, laptops then covid19tech.ie can help you. We were delighted to be joined by one of the volunteers behind this excellent and free service, John Harrington, to discuss how it works and how you (yes, you) can help. They are looking for volunteers and for […]

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Coronavirus – Trump vs Reality with Jon Schwarz Ep.279

From where we sit it looks like Donald Trump is ramping up his war on criticism of his handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, rather than ramping up his governments response to it. So to get a better insight into these events we were delighted to be joined from Maryland via zoom by journalist and writer with the intercept, Jon Schwarz. […]

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Homelessness In A Pandemic with ICHH’s Anthony Flynn

Ireland already had a housing and homelessness emergency before the Covid-19 pandemic. While the emergency response has received near universal acclaim we’d seen the number of people still sleeping on our streets still very high. So we caught up with Independent Dublin City Councillor and CEO of Inner City Helping Homelessness, Anthony Flynn, to discuss what is going right, what […]

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#NoGoingBack with Dr Clíona Ní Cheallaigh

As part of our ongoing look into the impacts of Covid-19 and our #NoGoingBack series we chatted with infectious diseases specialist and internal medicine physician, Dr Clíona Ní Cheallaigh. Clíona explains how those already most vulnerable in our society are the worst impacted by a pandemic like coronavirus. She explains how her research and work in St James’s Hospital on […]

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