479. Parents United #SaferSchools

As more children prepare to return to school we are joined in the #tortoiseshack by two members of Parents United: Olive O’Connor, who is an international healthcare advocate and mother of four and Zara Flynn, who is a registered Counselling Psychologist and mother of three. We discuss their mammoth deep dive into the covid statistics which shows that schools are […]

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479. Let Me Entertain You, Somehow!

A Tortoise Shack member said that we should speak with writer, musician (and writer-musician) historical entertainment provider and grafter, Paddy Cullivan. So we called him up. We talked the arts, the government supports, the work that he misses so much and what that might look like in the future. Paddy, as always, speaks his mind in his pessimistically humorous way. […]

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480. Misery for Profit in Emergency Accommodation

You might’ve heard us mention the Dublin Inquirer story about the problems with the ‘for profit’ emergency accommodation? We called Green Party Cllr Janet Horner about the issues in that story and a whole lot more. We discuss the tragedy unfolding in plain sight, the lucrative business that has becoming warehousing homeless people and the risks our “homeless services” are […]

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International Women’s Day – Tortoise Shack Live

This week Caroline, Linda and Vicky hosted a phenomenal Live Podcast with an incredible panel that included our newest Tortoise Shack family member, Joella Dhlamini, Senator Eileen Flynn, Activist Adeline Berry, ConverSayTrans Co-host (and Tortoise Shack Royalty) Alexandra Hall, the wonderful Joy Tendai Kangere, Longford Cllr Uruemu Adejinmi and journalist and broadcaster, Dawn Foster. We discussed intersectionality, proper allyship, how […]

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Ep.476 RISE with People Before Profit

We are joined in the #TortoiseShack by People Before Profit TD, Paul Murphy. We discuss Paul’s move with ‘Rise’ to PBP and how ‘Rise’ remains a movement of ideas. We also chat about the left, the far left and the rhetoric in recent days. Paul explains how there is a gap for an eco-socialist party on the left and how […]

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478. CETA vs The Constitution with Patrick Costello

As you may have seen Green Party TD Patrick Costello has launched a High Court Challenge to the planned ratification of CETA. So of course we gave him a call. Patrick tells us why he believes the idea of giving powers to the Investor Dispute Courts may usurp the independence of our judiciary in the Constitution and why he feels […]

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Ep.473 The Height Fallacy and Other Developer Myths with Lorcan Sirr

A Tortoise Shack supporter asked recently about Housing Prof Lorcan Sirr. So we called him up. Lorcan talks to us about the push by Developers and their acolytes for high-rise apartments and totally debunks the line that Ireland is way out of line with other European State. Example: EU Apartment Stock in Urban Areas is 40%, Dublin is 35.8%. Hardly […]

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Tortoise Shack Live – 30th Episode

In our 30th Live Sunday Special, Linda walked Martin, Vicky, James and Tony through the stories of the week and some things that slipped under the radar. We were joined by Eoin and Nita from Abolish Direct Provision and Dublin Lord Mayor, Hazel Chu (with a brief appearance by Mini-Mayor) to discuss the violent protests on the streets of Dublin, […]

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