173. Personal Stories of the #HousingCrisis: Ciara’s Story

“Disabled, Homeless & Sleeping in my Car” This Reboot Republic talks to Ciara, who tells her story of the housing crisis and homelessness. It’s a heart breaking story, and shows the failure of the Irish Government and local authorities to provide housing for disabled people. She explains how she is in receipt of the Housing Assistance Payment, but her private […]

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A New Inclusive Ireland with Dr Umar Al-Qadri

In this Reboot Republic podcast both Rory and Tony talk with Islamic Theologian, founder and chairperson of the Irish Muslim Peace and Integration Council, Shaykh Dr Umar Al-Qadri. This is a really engaging conversation about new Irish identities, hurling, home, Islam, gender equality, racism, inclusion and hope. Enjoy! If you missed our Reboot Housing Special live at the Sugar Club […]

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David’s Story: Facing Eviction in your 60s

This is the first of a series of podcasts we’ve been putting together for our patreon members, but have (with David’s consent) shared it now publicly. Help us keep having these conversations by joining at patreon.com/tortoiseshack This Reboot Republic is the first in a series that aims to tell the personal stories of the housing crisis by the people impacted. […]

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166. This is the Tsunami of Evictions: Child and Family Homelessness is Not Normal

This Reboot Republic podcast talks to Louise Bayliss Campaigns Coordinator with Focus Ireland, and spokesperson for Spark, and Rory reads his recent article on child and family homelessness from the Irish Examiner. Louise and Rory discus the latest homelessness figures that show rising child and family homelessness, the changing classification of data and how this is hiding the rising child […]

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168. We Need Real Zero, Not Business as Usual: A View From Inside COP26

As part of our continued coverage of COP26, this Reboot Republic Podcast talks to campaigners in Glasgow, from Not Here Not Anywhere, the grassroots campaign to end fossil fuel exploration and the development of new fossil fuel infrastructure in Ireland. The panelists include, Dublin City University (DCU) Business School assistant professor of accounting, Dr Aideen O’Dochartaigh, Dylan Murphy, a Masters […]

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164. Oscar Traynor: Why are we giving away public land to private developers?

This Reboot Republic talks to architect and analyst, Mel Reynolds. Emily Duffy, former deputy director of Uplift, Emily Duffy and Dublin City Independent Councillor, John Lyons, about the latest proposed deal for DCC to sell its public land at the Oscar Traynor Road site to private developer Glenveagh. The panel provides an analysis of the extent of transfer of public […]

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161. An Equality Analysis of Budget 2022: Part 2

This Reboot Republic podcast is the second of our Budget 2022 Panel analysis and gets a social justice and equality analysis of Budget 2022 its measures, positives, and failings from an all female panel of five guests, with Early Childhood Teacher and Big Start campaigner, Deborah Reynolds who highlights the win their campaign achieved and need for continued action for […]

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