96. Housing Shock #3: The Post-COVID City with Dr Philip Lawton

This episode of Housing Shock talks to Dr Phil Lawton, Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography in Trinity College Dublin. We discuss what will the post-COVID city look like? What is gentrification and who are the creative class reshaping our urban spaces? We also discuss how to make inclusive, sustainable, liveable cities, touching on issues of land, financialisation, capital, […]

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98. Public Health, Vaccines, Quarantine & Beating COVID with Prof Anthony Staines

This is a combined Reboot Republic & Echo Chamber podcast where Rory & Martin talk to Professor Anthony Staines of DCU, and the Independent Scientific Advocacy Group about the Government’s latest ‘Living with COVID’ Plan. Anthony talks about the inadequacies of the plan, the need to adequately resource public health, provide supports for people to isolate, and why we have […]

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94. A Lust for Life – Youth Mental Health

In this episode of Reboot Republic we talk to the Director of the mental health charity Lust for Life, Ciara O Connor Walsh, and Rory’s son, Leo Hearne Strachan. Ciara outlines the origins of A Lust For Life as way of trying to break the stigma and silence around mental health, of building community, and advocating for a better more […]

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97. Poverty in the Pandemic

This Reboot Republic talks to Dr Tricia Keilthy, Head of Social Justice in the St Vincent De Paul about their recent research showing problems of deepening poverty in the pandemic. Dr Keilthy explains that there has been two divergent experiences of lockdown. They have found that those who are experiencing the most adverse financial impacts are many of the groups […]

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95. Housing Shock 2 with Laoise Neylon

This is the second episode of Housing Shock – the regular side-series of Reboot Republic that discusses the big housing issues. This week Rory discusses the latest housing in the media with Laoise Neylon, reporter with the Dublin Inquirer. They discuss housing affordability, mortgage debt and the shared equity scheme, the lobbying by investor funds for a leasing scheme in […]

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Pushback Talks with Rory Hearne

Cities are becoming increasingly unliveable for most people. Costs are rising but incomes are not. Sky-high rents, evictions, homelessness, and substandard housing are common realities for urban dwellers across the planet. There is a global housing crisis. How did this basic human right get so lost? Who is pushing people out of their homes and cities, and what’s being done […]

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93. A Strategy for COVID with Prof Aoife McLysaght

Tánaiste Leo Varadkar said yesterday that he wants to see “tougher interrogation” of Zero Covid advocates on exactly what they want. So in this Reboot Republic we talk to Professor in Genetics in Trinity College Dublin, Aoife McLysaght, we about the latest rising figures of COVID 19, what is likely to happen on the basis of the current approach, and […]

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92. Tax Avoidance & Gender Inequality

This is our second in partnership with the Nobel Peace prize nominated, Global Alliance for Tax Justice. We are joined from Nairobi by Caroline Othim, the Global Campaigns and Policy Coordinator Africa for the Global Alliance for Tax Justice and co-chair of their working group on tax and gender Caroline is an expert in policy analysis, tax justice and gender […]

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