950. War Crimes in Ukraine

Listeners will recall Executive Director with Irish Rule of Law, Aonghus Kelly, last spoke to us about taking a sabbatical from his role and going to Ukraine to work with the EU’s Advisory Mission into war crimes and other atrocities taking place following the Russian invasion. Well he’s home for a few days and dropped into the tortoise shack to […]

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257. Creating a New Economy: Climate, Cooperatives & Football

In this Reboot Republic Podcast, Rory talks to Sean McCabe, Climate Justice Officer with Bohemians Football Club Dublin and formerly of the Mary Robinson Climate Foundation. We talk about the connections between football, Bohs and climate justice, Sean’s view after attending the last COP climate conference, how we face rising inequality in the climate transition. A really hopeful chat offering […]

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959. Ballymun: An Up the Flats Mentality with Adam Mohamed

It was fantastic to sit down with musician, spoken word poet, artist and Ballymuner, Adam Mohamed. We talk about growing up in Ballymun as a Black person, telling his truth and not accepting the narratives imposed on him, finding expression in poetry and creating an anthem for himself. We also discuss the protests in Ballymun, his disappointment with them and […]

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953. The Left Eats Itself? – Joao Pina

It was great, as well as timely, to have Vice Deputy Leader of the Portuguese Socialist Party (Party of Govt), Joao Pina, back on the the tortoise shack. His government are currently undergoing another reshuffle as resignations and allegations engulf the body politic. We talk all about it, the health service under pressure, their ambitions for 2023 (a year of […]

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940. The Day the Music Died

Matt McGranahan is one of Ireland’s best known trad musicians. His talent is appreciated far and wide and he has played alongside the best known names in the industry. He’s been on TV, played in the Aras, was involved in cross border music collaborations bringing trad music to all traditions on the island. It’s fair to say that Matt is […]

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943. Is Tax Avoidance Ireland’s ‘Natural Resource’?

In November, Ireland took in almost as much corporation tax as it did in the entire year of 2015. Many paint this as a success story where everyone is a winner. But it’s not as simple as that. Bizarrely much of our success is built on the type of creative accounting that means Ireland is the single largest export market […]

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5. Elizabeth Kiely: the Criminalisation of Social Policy

In this episode, Niamh talks to Elizabeth (Liz) Kiely, senior lecturer in the School of Applied Social Studies, University College Cork, about her book, co-authored with Katharina Swirak, The Criminalisation of Social Policy in Neoliberal Societies, that was published by Bristol University Press in 2022. The criminalisation of social policy refers to the growing intersection between social policy and crime […]

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952. Martin’s Health and the Health Service in a Deep Crisis

In this podcast you’ll hear about Martin’s ongoing health issue and experience of the crisis in our health service. Then Sinn Fein TD for Limerick, Maurice Quinlivan, joins me to discuss the dire situation in University Hospital Limerick and why the government’s inadequate response is not new and is putting patient safety at risk. We also discuss moves on drug […]

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