Revenge Porn aka Image Based Sexual Abuse Ep.24

In this live recording Caroline is joined by sexual violence campaigner and host of PACwoman podcast Linda Hayden. We chat to support worker Susan Walsh from the Sexual Health Centre in Cork, and Megan Jrenee, a victim of revenge porn and campaigner. Listen in as we discuss the legislation needed, why we need to reframe this conversation, and what you […]

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The Policed Podcast

Policed in Ireland – Migrants Ep.1

Welcome to Policed in Ireland with me, Dr Vicky Conway. In this, our first episode, we listen to Majo Rivas discuss her experiences of an Garda Síochána, both in reporting hate crime and in the immigration process. Fiona Finn from NASC and Dr Lucy Michael also join us to provide context around many of the issues raised by Majo. Why […]

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Housing & Homelessness Solutions Ep.12

In this homelessness, eviction housing solutions special Reboot Republic we talk to Anthony Flynn, Dublin City Councillor & CEO of Inner City Helping Homeless and Laoise Neylon, journalist and reporter with the Dublin Inquirer. We discuss the current homelessness situation in Dublin, how COVID has impacted, the problems with the way homelessness is being officially measured, the use of tourist […]

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#GolfGate and Cancel Culture

As the dust started to settle on #GolfGate and some commentators compared justified public opprobrium to racially motivated attacks, we asked what the Hell is going on and why is accountability kryptonite to already better-off? To discuss this Tony and Linda of The PAC Woman Podcast were joined by one half of the team that broke the story, Political Correspondent […]

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The Policed Podcast

Policed Preview

Welcome to Policed in Ireland, the podcast that seeks to capture the experiences people have with the police, and put those voices front and centre. Hosted by Dr Vicky Conway, this series will cover how communities and individuals experience policing, both good and bad, and offer expert opinion and context to these stories. Join us: << Back To The […]

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Sex Work, The Law, and Safety : Ep22

Join Glow West for another live podcast, this time with Kate McGrew from Sex Workers Alliance Ireland. Kate explains how covid has impacted sex workers in Ireland, and why it is important for sex workers and allies to contribute to the current review of sex work laws in Ireland which closes on Sept 11th. Under the current law, violent attacks […]

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Trauma Informed Design with Dr Sharon Lambert Ep. 340

Dr Sharon Lambert is a Lecturer in Applied Psychology in UCC, and so much more. Dr Lambert joined us in the tortoise shack to explain what Trauma Informed Design is, the perceptions of drug users and how class influences them. We talk about the need for ethical and compassionate harm reduction services. Dr Lambert outlines both the financial and humane […]

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A Fair Wage with Dr Laura Bambrick Ep.10

In this Reboot Republic podcast we talk to Dr Laura Bambrick social policy officer of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. We discuss the economic impact of COVID on workers and businesses, especially the precarious and low paid, the lack of protection for workers in Ireland, the pandemic unemployment benefit and wage subsidy scheme. We also talk about how the […]

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