Rebecca Keatinge #HousingFirst Ep.38

What is a right to housing? Would it help address the housing crisis if we put it in the constitution? Should we have a referendum? What are the challenges facing homeless families in trying to find a home? In this Reboot Republic Podcast we talk to leading human rights lawyer with the Mercy law Resource Centre, Rebecca Keatinge. Rebecca eloquently […]

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Róisín Shortall #Integrity Ep.40

These days you’d be forgiven for thinking that accountability means the stage-managing of disasters and that leadership is measured in likes and retweets. But it is important to remember that not all politics is just PR. There is an alternative vision and a people centered politics. Our guest is TD, Co-Leader of the Social Democrats and a politician of integrity, […]

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Wayne Stanley #HomelessnessIsNotNormal Ep.34

Too often our politician’s play the numbers game and for some reason the fixation with not crossing the 10,000 homeless Rubicon seems more important than taking practical steps to turn the tide. Our guest is research and policy analyst with Focus Ireland, Wayne Stanley, who with over a decade of working on homelessness, its causes and the underlying issues, shares […]

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Seamus Coffey #Choices Ep.36

Our next two Podcasts are gems-contradictory & complementary in-depth discussions on the Irish economy & inequality! Today we discuss (debate?) inequality, the risks & positives of the Irish economy with Chair of the Irish Fiscal Advisory Council & economics lecturer from University College Cork, Seamus Coffey.Very significantly Seamus outlines that there is the money to invest in a major public […]

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Arpita Chakraborty #ToxicMasculinity Ep.139

In order to effect change, we must first recognise the problem. Our guest in The Tortoise Shack, feminist killjoy, newly minted PhD and Chair of the Síbeal Network, Arpita Chakraborty, talks to us about the role of Feminism in tackling the traditional power structures of a patriarchal society, toxic masculinity and the importance of no longer being a bystander. If […]

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Stephen Travers #TheMiamiShowband Ep. 135

For younger generations the border in Ireland is a shadow of history. But for those with lived experience, like our guest in the #tortoiseshack, survivor and victim, Stephen Travers, the border, though long gone, will never be forgotten. Stephen was a young man in 1975, living his dream. ‘The Miami’ regularly filled music halls and ballrooms North and South of […]

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Prof. Aviva Chomsky & Lynn Boylan #GreenWashing

Prof. Aviva Chomsky and Lynn Boylan #Greenwashing. In 2018, the Oireachtas environment committee rejected calls to summon the ESB to appear before it over its importation of millions of tons of coal from a Colombian mine linked to human rights and environmental abuses. Joining us in the tortoise shack to discuss this is academic, author, activist and Professor of Latin […]

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Dr Maeve O’Rourke #HumanRights Ep.131

Dr Maeve O’Rourke #HumanRights In 2019 we want to tackle structural inequality and State sanctioned violence. So there was nobody better to ask into the tortoise shack to kick off the year than the mega-impressive, award winning human rights advocate, Dr Maeve O’Rourke. In addition to her work at the the Irish Council of Civil Liberties (ICCL), Maeve has been […]

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