Policed: The Beat – Children in Custody

In this episode of Policed: The Beat, Vicky is joined by Prof Ursula Kilkelly and Dr Louise Forde to discuss a new piece of research they have just published called Children’s Rights and Police Questioning. The discussion looks at what they found when they spoke to children, police, lawyers and care givers when they asked them about experiences of being […]

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479. Let Me Entertain You, Somehow!

A Tortoise Shack member said that we should speak with writer, musician (and writer-musician) historical entertainment provider and grafter, Paddy Cullivan. So we called him up. We talked the arts, the government supports, the work that he misses so much and what that might look like in the future. Paddy, as always, speaks his mind in his pessimistically humorous way. […]

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Ending Homelessness: A Human Right to a Home

This Reboot Republic is a talk that Rory gave to the All Ireland Inclusion Forum. The talk is titled: Homelessness and A Human Right to A home. In the talk Rory outlines different approaches to housing – from the market to a social determinant of health. He outlines the impacts of homelessness on families and children, the recent impact of […]

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480. Misery for Profit in Emergency Accommodation

You might’ve heard us mention the Dublin Inquirer story about the problems with the ‘for profit’ emergency accommodation? We called Green Party Cllr Janet Horner about the issues in that story and a whole lot more. We discuss the tragedy unfolding in plain sight, the lucrative business that has becoming warehousing homeless people and the risks our “homeless services” are […]

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87. IWD – Empowered for Change – The Future is Feminist

This Reboot Republic is the third podcast for International Women’s Day 2021 in partnership with the National Women’s Council of Ireland. In this podcast we cover the issue of the experiences of women in Direct Provision. Orla O’Connor, Director of the NWCI, talks to Owodunni Ola Mustapha, Rosemary Kunene and Ellie Kisyombe. They explain the particular vulnerability of women in […]

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International Women’s Day – Tortoise Shack Live

This week Caroline, Linda and Vicky hosted a phenomenal Live Podcast with an incredible panel that included our newest Tortoise Shack family member, Joella Dhlamini, Senator Eileen Flynn, Activist Adeline Berry, ConverSayTrans Co-host (and Tortoise Shack Royalty) Alexandra Hall, the wonderful Joy Tendai Kangere, Longford Cllr Uruemu Adejinmi and journalist and broadcaster, Dawn Foster. We discussed intersectionality, proper allyship, how […]

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85. IWD 2021 – The Future is Feminist

This is the second Reboot Republic special podcast in partnership with the National Women’s Council of Ireland for International Women’s Day 2021. In this podcast Orla O Connor, Director of the NWCI, hosts a panel discussion with Ailbhe Smyth (Feminist Activist), Tessa Collins (Pavee Point), Jennifer Okeke (Immigrant Council of Ireland), and Susan Lohan (Adoption Rights Alliance). The panel highlight […]

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5. Casey Explosion

In this weeks episode Alexandra and Jules are in conversation with Casey Explosion. Casey is a gamer and twitch streamer with an interest in Warhammer. Listen in as she tells our hosts about Donkey Kong becoming a trans icon. www.thestairlingscollective.com Sound, Editing and Production by @jordanhearns Support us at patreon.com/tortoiseshack

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